Technology and projecting of textile materials
Head of the department
Yeshzhanov Abilda Abdykadyrovich
PhD, senior lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 402 (Д).
Work phone: (87252) 21-19-84

Yeshzhanov Abilda Abdykadyrovich
PhD, Senior lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 402 (Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Togataev Turabek
Candidate of technical sciences, docent
Contact information: Building №5, 405(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Eldiyar Gulzinat Kairbekkyzy
PhD, docent
Contact information: Building №5, 406(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Bektursunova Ainur Kenesbekovna
PhD, Senior Lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 405(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Turakulov Bakhriddin Bakhodurovich
PhD, Senior Lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 406(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Sabyrkhanova Saltanat Shalharbaevna
PhD, Senior Lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 406(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Kaldybaeva Gulboston Yusupzhanovna
Master, Senior Lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 405(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Turganbaeva Akzharkyn Amanbaevna
Master, Senior Lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 405(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Beisenbaeva Shuga Kaiyrkhanovna
Master, Senior Lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 405(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Asanov Ermek Zhaksybaevich
Master, lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 405(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84

Konysbekov Sagyndyk Mukhanovich
Master, lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 406(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Baynurov Abdukadyr
Contact information: Building №5, 405(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Sikhimbaeva Makpal Temirbekovna
Master, lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 405(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Murzabayeva Gulzhan Koblanbekovna
Master, lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 405(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Zholaeva Nazygul Kalizhanovna
Master, lecturer
Contact information: Building №5, 405(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Zhaulibayeva Lazat Beisenbaevna
Highly qualified specialist, laboratory assistant
Contact information: Building №5, 405(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
Askarova Akbayan Askarkyzy
Highly qualified specialist, laboratory assistant
Contact information: Building №5, 405(Д).
Work phone: 8(7252) 21-19-84
The field of activity of graduates:The field of professional activity is the textile industry (in the field of design and production of textile products; in the field of research; in the field of standardization, certification and quality management, technical expertise).
Development of software for the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the textile industry; Theoretical and experimental research in the field of fabric and knitwear production technology using modern experimental design methods.
Research work of the Department of Technology and Design of Textile Materials
The department's research direction
- Methods of mathematical modelling and optimization of functional
- Methods of mathematical modelling and optimisation of functional and operational properties of materials of textile and light industry;
- Development of methods for determination of relaxation-restoration and deformation-exploitation characteristics of materials of textile and light industry;
- Development of criteria for qualitative assessment of functional-consumer and operational properties of materials in the textile and light industry;
- Development of integral criteria of optimality of mathematical modelling of functional-consumer and operational properties of materials in textile and light industry;
- Computerisation of methods of determination of relaxation-restoration and deformation-operational characteristics of materials of textile and light industry.
Funded research projects

Project partner:SKU named after M. Auezov. Project manager:Eldiyar G.K.

Two projects were sent to the competition for grant funding of research of young scientists under the project "Zhas galym" for 2025-2027. According to the results of the competition, the project of Doctor PhD, Senior Lecturer Sabyrkhanovaoya Saltanat Shalkharbaevna - AR22684790 "Development and optimisation of technology of dyeing textile and leather products with extracts of local plants" received grant funding

Chairman of the Board-Rector of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Chairman of the Academic Council Ahmed-Zaki Darkhan Zhumakanovich this year in order to finance the research of young scientists in the educational institution for the first time held an intra-university competition "Zhas galym", where a young scientist grant holder Sabyrkhanova Saltanat Shalkharbaevna was solemnly awarded a certificate

Research work of students
- At the XІІІ Republican Subject Olympiad on 23-24 April 2020 Abdumutalipov Meirzhan Kuanyshovich was awarded the Diploma of II degree;
- At the XІІІІ Republican Subject Olympiad on 08-09 April 2021 Zhienbaeva Balkhiya Maratovna was awarded the Diploma of III degree;
- On 14-15 April 2022 at the XIV Republican Subject Olympiad Iztai Nurai Kanseitkyzy was awarded the Diploma of II degree.
- On 23-24 May 2024 at the Republican Subject Olympiad Tazhibay Dilnaz Aituganovna was awarded with the Diploma of III degree.

At the republican competition for the best research work of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2024 on the educational programme "Technology and design of textile materials" student of South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov Zholtay Aidana Azamatkyzy awarded with the Diploma of II degree on the topic "Study of the method of obtaining high-quality yarn with uniform linear density by installing "USTER QUANTIM" on the packaging machine". Scientific supervisor: Asanov Ermek.
At the republican competition for the best research work of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2024 on the educational programme "Technology and design of textile materials" the student of South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov Amirali Gulzat Omirzakkyzy was awarded the Diploma of III degree on the theme "Study of technology to improve the quality of ring yarn by improving its structural structure". Scientific supervisor: Togataev Turabek.
South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov on natural, technical, social-humanities and economic sciences on the theme "Creation of new Kazakhstan in the hands of youth" and "Vectors of youth science development" 2023-2024. At the XXVI, XXVII Republican Student Scientific Conference our students were awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees.

- Research laboratory of masters. research laboratory of physico- mechanical testing of textile materials (111B);
- Textile materials laboratory (125AB);
- REILEAP kazakh leather center

Professional practice is the main part of the educational process in the training of highly qualified specialists and is carried out at enterprises, institutions, organizations of various fields of activity and in forms of ownership with a special service and position, the necessary material and technical base, equipment and information technology.
Types of practice of students of the Department of "Technology and design of textile materials" : reading (educational, guided,);
1-Production (technological, production.);
2-Production (technological, production.);
- received a diploma
The main task of each practice and its purpose should allow the support staff to solve the assigned tasks and be responsible for the work performed.
The purpose of the internship is to consolidate the theoretical knowledge of students acquired at the university and to teach practical work in the specialty.
Production base and future working place:
- «Bal Tekstil» LLP
- «Nazar-Tekstil» LLP
- «Alem BT» LLP
- «Azala cotton» LLP
- «Textile Group kz» LLP
- «Shymkent cashmere» LLP
- «Bal decor» LLP
- «Azala tekstile» LLP
- «Zhana Zhoba» LLP
- «Ak Altyn» LLP
- Textile factory «BAER» LLP
- «Talapty» LLP

Defense of doctoral dissertations

Bektursunova Ainur Kenesbekovna defended her dissertation on December 15, 2022 on the theme "Development of technology for antibacterial treatment of hosiery and non-woven textile materials" with a degree in 6D073300 - "Technology and design of textile materials" at the dissertation Council of Almaty Technological University JSC.

The Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan S. Nurbek awarded Togatayev Turabek, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of our department, with a diploma of excellence in higher and postgraduate education.

Bektursunova Ainur Kenesbekovna by special invitation, within the framework of academic mobility, as well as participation in a seminar, conducting joint scientific research UR, Bukhara, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology.
Eldiyar G. has completed "Leather Production and Quality Control" training at Department of Leather Engineering, EGE University, Bornova, Izmir /Turkey, from 13th to 17th June 2022. This training action has been realized in the framework of ERASMUS+ project REILEAP - Reinforcing capacities of HEIs for leather and leather products in Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan (618930-EPP-1-2020-1- EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP)
Bektursunova Ainur Kenesbekovna received a certificate for participation in the scientific and technical conference on modern education in Kazakhstan, Zertteu Conference, which was held on March 4, 2022.
From November 1st to 30th, 2024, Dr. Ramazan Erdem, an Associate Professor at Akdeniz University (Turkey), delivered lectures to undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students of the "Technology and Design of Textile Materials" department at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University. Dr. Erdem also conducted seminars and workshops on "How to conduct scientific research and write scientific articles," attended by the department's faculty and doctoral students. Additionally, he provided consultations to doctoral students on dissertation preparation and scientific article writing. Dr. Erdem participated in an international conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Auezov University, presenting a paper on "Textile industry and education in Turkey".

Our doctoral students are interning abroad
Full name of doctoral students: Batyrkulova Akbota Abdiserikovna
Zhambylbai Assel Bolatovna
Atashikova Nargiza Aslanbekovna
Internship place: Akdeniz University, Turkey
Internship period: 21.05.2024-21.06.2024
Educational program: - 8D07206 - "Technology and design of textile materials"
Field of study: scientific and pedagogical

Full name of doctoral students: Murzabayeva Gulzhan Koblanbekovna
Sikhimbayeva Makpal Temirbekovna
Internship place: Akdeniz University, Turkey
Internship period: 01.07.2023-30.07.2023
Educational program: - 8D07206 - "Technology and design of textile materials"
Field of study: scientific and pedagogical

Advanced training of the teaching staff of the Department "Technology and Design of Textile Materials’" in the 2023-2024 academic year