Educational process

Academic policy 2023-2024





Educational Programs


Department of Technology and Design of Textile Materials 

Turganbayeva Akzharkyn Amanbaevna

Master's degree, Senior Lecturer

Address: 160012, Turkestan region, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Avenue 5, building D, office 407 D.

Call : +7 701 159 65 90

E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

6B07260 – Technology and design of textile materials

6B07261- Innovative textiles, design and decor


Department of "Technology and design of light industry products"

Shanakhova Raushan Meiramkhankyzy

Master's degree, teacher

Address: 160012, Turkestan region, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Avenue 5, building D, office.103’ D

Please call: +7 702 748 74 14

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

6B072300- Technology and design of light industry products


6B07231- Fashion industry, the movement of light industry products



Department of Food Technology and Safety

Kamalova Nurgul Ustemirovna

Master's degree, Senior Lecturer

Address: 160012, Turkestan region, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Avenue 5, building D, to.407 D

Call: +7 777 136 36 32

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

6B07241 – Technology of vegetable oils and fats


6B07242- Technology of milk and dairy products


6B07244- Food technologies and catering at small and medium-sized businesses


6B07245- Technology of meat and meat products



Department of Food Engineering

Kaipova Zhanar Nurmakhanbaevna

Master's degree, Senior Lecturer

Address: 160012, Turkestan region, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Avenue 5, building D, to.210 D

Call: +7 775 398 15 52

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

6B07250 - Technology of processing production


6B07252- Technology of Sugar Substances and Sugar Confectionery products


6B07253- Food Safety and Engineering






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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41

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