Nalibayev Said Abduvakhabovich

program in the University of Padova (country – Italy, city – Padova).The main aim of his trip was: advanced research of cheese production, study, learning of writing scientific articles in english, negotiations about collaboration between Universities e.t.c.

During 5 month Said Nalibayev was studying: Food and Wine history and anthropology, food microbiology and quality, food safety and hygiene, food traceability for food quality, Italian language A1 level course. ( He successfully completed 27 ECTS) Also during his mobility he was very active in participation of seminars and scientific workshops. He protected his group work about production of olive oil in Europe Union.

During his study in Padova University Said Nalibayev visited a lot of cheese production factories for getting more experience and attitudes in cheese production. So his learning outcomes are: outstanding knowledge in cheese production, preparation technics of Italian cheeses of all regions, successful scientific researches, collected data materials.

During 6 month of stay in Italy Said Nalibayev totally improved his English, and also got basic A1 level of Italian, completed useful subjects, passed all his exams for a good and excellent marks and also got important attitudes and experience for his scientific work.


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