Training in the profile magistracy in the framework of the State Program of Industrial-Innovative Development-2

this program, more than 100 innovative productions will be created across the country for which new generation of personnel will be needed - those with logical thinking capable of generating progressive ideas and designing of new technologies.

In the Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Nurly Zhol - the way to the future” has been given the task to start the trainings of such specialists in 10 leading universities of the country, including  M.Auezov’ South Kazakhstan State University.

For the implementation of the second stage of the State program of Industrial and Innovative Development, in 2015, in M.Auezov’ SKSU begun the implementation of educational programs for the master's program "Food Engineering and Food Safety" and "Safe Technologies for Processing Agricultural Products"

Educational programs are developed taking into account the most advanced experience and are focused on the obtaining of specific competencies required for innovative enterprises.

In the process of the learning, master students study modules of in-depth basic training and special modules coordinated with partner universities and basic enterprises.

The educational programs "Food Engineering and Food Safety" and "Safe Technologies for Processing Agricultural Products" are aimed to the development of new technologies for the production of functional and medioprophylactic food products as well as its promotion to the foreign markets.

The master students receive competencies in the field of innovative technologies for processing crop and livestock products, low-temperature processing and storage of agricultural and food products, and the development of packaging and transportation technology for food products.

The educational program provides for the study of modern approaches to the ensuring of the quality and safety of raw materials, products, technological processes on the basis of sensorometric and chemometric methods of analysis.

The advantage of the university's educational programs is the introduction of project training, conducted directly at the base enterprises included in the Regional Industrialization Map. The master students conduct their research at the production facilities: "Foodmaster-Shymkent Company" LLP, "Sairam-sut" LLP, "Altyn-Dan" LLP, "Shymkent-sut" LLP, "OrdabasyKus" LLP, "Gulmaira" LLP, "Balmuzdak" LLP, etc.

Training is provided with the support of the South Kazakhstan Region State Administration and the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the South Kazakhstan Region. For the development of joint actions in the training of personnel on the basis of the University, the Regional Innovation Forum has been provided.

Visit of the Minister of Science and Education Aslan Sarinzhipov and the South Kazakhstan Administration Mayor Beibut Atamkulov to the experimental and technological line for milk processing and dairy products.

Currently, the foreign universities-partners for the training of personnel in the educational programs "Food Engineering and Food Safety" and "Safe Technologies for Processing Agricultural Products" are, such universities as the best universities in Europe in the field of food and food safety sciences: the Ghent University (Belgium); Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain); University of Padova (Spain); University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria); Latvian University of Agriculture (Latvia); National Research University of Information Technologies and Optics (Russia).

 With the participation of foreign partner universities and employers' representatives, the modular educational programs have been developed.

The Ghent University (Belgium) is in the TOP 100 universities of the world in the Shanghai ranking and ranked 129th in the QS rating. The Polytechnic Valencia University (Spain) is the 67th position by the QS rating, the Padua University is the 169th in the Academic Ranking of Universities of the World.

Professor of the Ghent University Bruno de Meulinaer lectures to the Master students

Professor of the Ghent University Ghent Bruno de Meiulinaer during his acquaintance with the sights of the South Kazakhstan Region

Professor of Ghent University Bruno de Meulinaer lectures for the Master students a series of lectures on "Nutrifoodchem group - food allergens and Food Quality"

Professor of Padua University of (Italy) EduDefrancescois coachingMaster students on Management in the Food Industry

Professor of Latvian Agricultural University (Latvia) Inga Ciprovica conducts a workshop for the Master students

The Scientific Center for Food Engineering and Regulation of Food Safety is equipped with experimental technological lines that allow to process milk with obtaining of various dairy products, processing meat to various meat products, as well as a line for the production of dried vegetables and fruits. Research equipment makes it possible to carry out research on the quality of raw materials and finished products


Fundamental research preparation of the Master students is carried out in the Regional Laboratory of Constructional and Biochemical Materials, equipped with research equipment of the latest generation.

The services of the master students are the scanning electron microscope with systems of energy-dispersive microanalysis, the scanning spectrophotometer, the Variant Pro Star high-effective liquid chromatograph, the inductively-coupled plasma spectrophotometer with mass spectrometric detection, the gas chromatographic mass spectrometer.

The analytical capabilities of the laboratory allow for the researches to conduct studies of materials and  microstructures at the nanoscale level with a high accuracy of the obtained results.

Professor of Latvian Agricultural University (Latvia) Inga Ciprovica conducts a master class on the experimental and technological line for milk processing and producing dairy products.









Laboratory classes on the "Equipment for processing milk and dairy products" discipline. The study of the device and the principle of operation of the equipment of the processing line for processing milk.

In general, 80% of the personnel requirements of the industries introduced by the Industrialization Map in the South of the country by 2017, it will be provided by graduates of the M.Auezov’ South Kazakhstan State University.

The implementation of educational programs for the training of personnel will become a contribution of the university in enhancing of the competitiveness of the national economy and the prosperity of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Academic mobility of master students and teaching staff of the educational program

On the base of the academic mobility, 5 master students were trained at Ghent University (Belgium), where, besides the theoretical training, they had the opportunity to visit the following enterprises: Fribora - deep frozen prefabricated enterprise, Cobelplast – production of films for the packaging, Avamoplast – manufacture of the packaging for food products.

At the Latvian Agricultural University (Jelgava, Latvia) two master students have been trained and they visited the “VICA” company-seafood production (Latvia)

One master student has been trained at the Padova University (Italy), and he has got acquainted with the cheese factories – “Grana Padano”, “Commakampanya”; factories for the production of soft cheese in the cities: Camolino, Santa Giustina and Cesomaggiore. Also under the program in the framework of GPIIIR there were advanced training and foreign internships for teachers’ staff of the Food Engineering Department and master students. As.Prof. G.E.Orymbetova and Senior Teacher G.O.Kantureeva from 28.09.2015 till 16.12.2015.have been trained Under the ITP program "Food Safety, Quality Assurance Systems and Risk Analysis". In total, more than 70% of the qualifications and foreign internships passed (20 people of teachers’ staff).

Currently, three master students are studying at the Padova University (Spain), two people are being trained at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), one student is at the Latvian Agricultural University (Latvia).




The program objectives

Learning outcomes

Objective 1

Training masters who are  able to monitor the  processing of agricultural products to find optimal solutions, to increase the efficiency of processing    the plant raw materials and  raw  animal materials with the aim to extend the line of  food products .

LO 1. To design and introduce power-saving, low-waste, environmentally sound lines of processing the agricultural products.

LO 2. To ensure quality and safety of products , technological processes  of processing the plant raw materials and  raw animal materials.

LO 3.To develop the technologies of food packing, storage and transport.

LO 4.To evaluate the functionality and safety of food products in the context  of human health,  to analyze the problems of nutrition.

LO5.To be able to manage the quality of food products, technological processes and composition of final products.

LO 6. To apply environmental standards  for production , storage of raw materials, ready products in the course of processing the plant raw materials and  raw animal materials with adherence to quality management  principles

LO 7. To possess skills of analysis and processing  of research results at  designing new food products with preset  functional properties . 

LO 8. To analyze and to be able to apply innovative technologies to solve complex engineering tasks when processing plant raw materials and  raw animal materials.

 LO 9.To  solve engineering, analytical  and management  tasks using the main principles of devices, processes and technologies when processing agricultural products.

LO 10.To optimize the methods of solving problem situations and risk management  from the impact of various negative factors  in the process of introduction of final goods.

Objective 2. Training masters who possess leadership qualities and skills of logical analysis and solution of the set tasks, who  are able to integrate into international and  professional  environment and to use  foreign language as means of  intercultural communication.

LO 11.To acquire the necessary and sufficient level of communicative competence to solve the set tasks in various areas  of professional and scientific activity for the possibility to integrate into international professional  environment, and also for  specific decision making  in the field of operational safety management.

LO 12. To lead the team of experts, to solve  production issues, linked with multiple interrelated factors ,to accept responsibility  for statement of a problem and received outcomes.                                         

LO 13. To study independently and to improve the qualification during the whole period  of the professional activity ,to know a  foreign language on the sufficient  level  to work in international environment .


The main objectives of the educational program


-  To give postgraduates fundamental knowledge of the theory in the field of management, scientific- research and project activities in the processing of agricultural raw materials;

     - To provide postgraduates with acquisition of  analytical, research skills and competencies that contribute  solving the problem of improvement and development of new technologies to increase the competitiveness of country in the context of globalization;

     - To provide postgraduates with professional abilities and skills - oriented approach to lifelong learning that contribute them successfully apply advanced and safe technologies for the processing of agricultural raw material, and provide highly efficient operation for their professional career;

     -To give postgraduates the level of training on the basis of socio-economic and scientific-technical laws of society development, including its personal relevance to the activities in the field of food production.

Competence of the graduate

      Universal competence are:


UC1 The ability to learn independently, to acquire new knowledge and skills in the field of natural and socio-economic sciences and use them in professional activities;

UC2 The ability to use logic and critical thinking to solve problems in the professional field;

UC3 The ability to use advanced professional knowledge and skills in practice;

UC4 Theability to identify the scientific essence of problems and formulate formulation of the problem in the professional field;

UC5 The ability to solve problems in professional activity on the basis of a critical analysis and synthesis;

UC6 The ability to assess resource needs and plan its using in solving problems in professional activity;

UC7 The ability to use innovations;

UC8  The ability to use advanced information and communication technologies;

UC9  The  ability to conduct research;

UC10 The ability to organize work teams;

UC11 The ability to competently build communication, based on the objectives and the situation of communication;

UC12 The ability to critically evaluate and rethink the experience, reflect on the professional and social activities;

UC13 The  ability to independently carry out production or application activity in the international environment;

UC14 The ability to realize tolerance and respect for others;

UC15 The ability to communicate on professional issues in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages;

UC16 The  ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle;

UC17 The ability to use the regulatory and legal documents in professional activities;

UC18 The ability to self-development and adaptation to new economic, social, political and cultural situations;

UC19 The ability to recognize the social importance of future profession, highly motivated to carry out professional activity;

UC20 The ability to realize the values ​​of national culture, respectful and caring attitude to the historical heritage and cultural traditions;

UC21 The ability to take initiative and find organizational and managerial solutions to production problems.


Subject competences are:


PC 1 Ability and readiness use to organize high-performance and reliable operation of modern processing equipment according to the direction of preparation;

PC 2 Ability to independent in new methods training of research, to change of scientific and research -production profile of his professional activity;

PC 3 Ability to plan, organize and conduct scientific research in the field of food technology; capability to planning, the organization and carrying out of research works in the food technologies field;

PC 4 Ability to carry out a detailed analysis of scientific and technical information in field of food production technology and related disciplines with a view the scientific, patent and marketing support ongoing fundamental research and technological development;

PC 5 Ability to analyze and adapt modern basic technologies for use of the gained knowledge for the solution of professional tasks;

PC 6 Ability to develop quality management system of food products in accordance with the requirements of local and international quality standards;

PC 7 Ability to estimate of  public and ecological consequences of practical activities on the basis of profound knowledge about requirements of food safety and environment protection, and also legislative bases

PC 8 Ability to apply in practical activities the principles of rational use of natural resources and environment protection;

PC 9 Ability to use of the modern principles, methods and methods of processing of agricultural products;

PC 10 Ability to generalize and use technologies and technical means of workshops and enterprises of agricultural products processing;

PC 11 Ability to make technological card of  plant and animal processing products taking into account the choice of machines and equipment systems;

PC 12 Ability to set the modes of storage and processing of agricultural products;

PC 13 Ability to handle obtained in the research course of skills and abilities in practice and be able to defend its position, taking into account the views of colleagues

PC 14 Ability to predict results of the activities, to control the course of engineering procedure and the analysis of its results

PC 15 Ability to work in unusual situations, take responsibility for their decisions;

PC 16 Readiness and capability to develop and optimize of modern high technologies in various areas of the application of the refrigerating, cryogenic equipment and life support systems taking into account economic and ecological requirements;

PC 17 Readiness and capability to develop feasibility statements on designed of low-temperature machines and installations, to constitute of technical documentation on projects, their elements and assembly units;

PC 18 Ability to design low-temperature cars and installations taking into account requirements of ensuring their maximum productivity, reliability, durability and safety;

PC 19 Ability to find rational solutions to create competitive products to meet the requirements of maximum safety;

PC 20 Readiness and capability to develop and realize the program of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency of refrigerating systems, including transport, commercial and household refrigerating appliances.





Module/name of the course blocks

Forming of competences



Credits ECTS

Studing period

Cycle of discipline


Form of control

Module of basic discipline

Foreign language (professional)

UC11, UC15,UC21, PC12






1 term




  1. sychology and management



1 term




Module of speciality

Thermal treatment of plant raw materials andrawanimal materials/ Special chapters of thermodynamics of low temperature  systems

UC1, UC4, UC6, UC7, UC12, UC13, UC17, PC1, PC6, PC8, PC9,  PC10, PC11, PC12, PC14



1 term



Innovative technologies of storage and processing plant production



1 term




Innovative technologies of storage and processing livestock product



1 term




Low temperature treatment of agricultural raw materials



1 term



Food safety andrisk assessment / Theory of refrigerating machines

UC1, UC4, UC6, UC7, UC12, UC13, UC17,PC1, PC6, PC8, PC9,  PC10, PC11, PC12, PC14




1 term





Quality management of food products



2 term




  • aging of food products



2 term



Modelling the formulations of food productswith preset properties/ Air-conditioning offoodenterprises



2 term






Trajectory 1 Technology of processing milk and milk  products

Processing milk and milk products (profound course)




UК1, UК4, UК6, UК7, UК12, UК13, UК17,PК1, PК6, PК8, PК9,  PК10, PК11, PК12, PК14



2 term


course work

Equipment for processing milk and milk products



2 term



Technology of production of food products with preset properties



2 term



Trajectory 2 Technology of processing fruits and vegetables

Advanced processing of fruits and vegetables

UК1, UК4, UК6, UК7, UК12, UК13, UК17, PК1, PК6, PК8, PК9,  PК10, PК11, PК12, PК14



2 term


course work

Equipment for processing fruits and vegetables



2 term



Technology of production of food products with preset properties



2 term



Trajectory 3 Technology of processing  meat and  meat products

Processing meatand meat products (extended course)

UК1, UК4, UК6, UК7, UК12, UК13, UК17,PК1, PК6, PК8, PК9,  PК10, PК11, PК12, PК14



2 term


course work

Equipment for processing meat and meat products



2 term



Technology of production of food products with preset properties



2 term



Trajectory 4 Technology of low-temperature treatment  and storage of  agricultural  and food products

Refrigerant supply of enterprises of food industry and agriculture

UК1, UК4, UК6, UК7, UК12, UК13, UК17,PК1, PК6, PК8, PК9,  PК10, PК11, PК12, PК14,  PК15, PК16, PК17, PК18,  PК19, PК20



2 term


course work

Automation ofrefrigerant supply systems



2 term



Maintenance of refrigeration systems



2 term



Master’s thesis




3 term








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