Online Olympiad
according to educational program 5В072800 – Technology of processing production, participated in the second stage of the XII Republican Subject Olympiad online among students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of ATU. 3rd year students (gr. ZhT 17-3tr): Davletkhanova A., Yuldasheva H., Egemsaparov R., under the guidance of, associate prof.Orymbetova G.E. (Department of Food Engineering), became winners of the team championship (diploma of the III degree). Davletkhanova A. became the winner of personal championship among the team members and was recommended for awarding by diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan III degree.
Науч.рук., к.т.н., доцент Орымбетова Гулбаги Эмитовна |
Давлетханова Алина, студент гр.ЖТ 17-3тр |
Егемсапаров Рустам, студент гр.ЖТ 17-3тр |
Юлдашева Ханифа, студент гр.ЖТ 17-3тр |
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