Innovations in textile and light industry: Winter School " Smart Textile & Design»

Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov hosted the Winter School "Smart Textile & Design" in an online format, organized by the Higher School of textile and food engineering. Its goal is to study the latest scientific achievements in the field of innovative textiles, future clothing technology, fashion industry and clothing design.

Official opening of the Winter School" Smart Textile & Design"»

The speakers of the winter school were leading professors and specialists of leading research centers, fashion houses and educational institutions in the field of textiles, light industry and fashion industry:
Akdeniz University (Akdeniz University) Antalya – Turkey;
Ege University (Aegean University) Izmir – Turkey;
A. N. Kosygin Russian State University, Moscow-Russia;
Ivanovo State Polytechnic University, Ivanovo-Russia;
Omsk State Technical University Omsk-Russia;
Zhanna Eltanova fashion house;
South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov.
The presented topics of lectures in the winter school program show that the issues of training personnel and students who have mastered certain knowledge and skills well established by state educational standards are of interest to participants in the entire chain of educational process and innovations in the field of textile and light industry. 
Today, innovation activity is one of the most important systemic factors of economic growth, as well as increasing the level of competitiveness of innovative products produced and sold. This is a necessary condition for ensuring high quality of goods at a lower consumer price that meets the needs of consumers.
The main directions of innovation are the processes of creating and implementing innovations, i.e. the main goal is to achieve results. To achieve this goal, a winter school was organized, within which new achievements in science, innovations in textile and light industry production, as well as the implementation and application of topical topics in the educational process were discussed.
On the first day, the speaker of the South Kazakhstan University. Associate professor M. Auezov, Ph. D. Dzhanpaizova Vasily Mirzakhmedovna made a speech. He spoke about nanotechnology in textile production, which occupies a leading position as one of the priority areas in modern science. Active development in this area contributes to the development of new scientific methodological principles and approaches. It is based on the creation of new fibrous materials, the chemical structure of which has been modified, providing the production of textile materials with a wide range of new properties that expand their scope of application.

Speaker of the Winter School" Smart Textile & Design"named after M. Auezov. Associate professor of the South Kazakhstan University, candidate of Chemical Sciences, Djanpaizova V. M.

Also, the participants of the winter school revealed topical issues, innovations and trends in the development of textile and light industry. A special place in the school program was occupied by the following issues: modern technologies of non-woven materials for obtaining technical textiles, shoe materials and engineering, leather haberdashery, smart textiles, revolutionary fabrics for fashion and design, collection stages and clothing of the future. One of the most interesting topics and directions of the winter school was opened by Nehir Mariyam Yezieva, PhD, professor of Akdeniz University in Antalya, Turkey, and Zhanna Eltanova, director of the fashion house "Janna Eltanova", Shymkent – Kazakhstan. Their lectures were devoted to the expediency of teaching collection design as an effective tool for developing creative abilities and professional development of future designers of light industry products.

Speaker of the Winter School" Smart Textile & Design " PhD, associate professor of Akdeniz University Mariyam Yeziyeva River

A description of the types of collections and the main stages of designing the author's collection was given. This is because its competitiveness and demand for the professional growth of a future specialist in the modern clothing industry depends on the initiative, solving non-standard tasks for the design of clothing collections and assortment groups for various purposes. The algorithm for solving such problems includes stages related to artistic and technical creativity and is the basis of transformational activity. The professional field of the future fashion designer is focused not only on adapting well-known solutions, but especially on creating a new product that did not exist before.

Speaker of the Winter School" Smart Textile & Design " PhD, associate professor of Akdeniz University Mariyam Yeziyeva River.

The uniqueness of such a specialist is determined by the content of multi-faceted knowledge, the volume and system of acquired theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and the experience of creative activity. Creativity in any form of human activity contributes to its introduction to the material culture of society, increases and improves the personality. It is important for future design engineers to emotionally perceive and appreciate the beauty of a person and the world around him, to create conditions for the formation of a creatively harmoniously developed, active personality, which is of great importance for the profession.
One of the priority topics and directions in textiles was Doctor of technical sciences, professor of Ivanovo State Polytechnic University Stepanov Sergey Gaevich, who spoke about the properties of composites, their advantages and disadvantages, technologies for creating composites and parts based on them. The production of composite materials and products made from them is one of the fastest growing areas. Every year, the production of composite materials in the world increases by about 20%, and metal production increases by only 2%. The future lies only behind composite materials that can be improved and replace "outdated" ones. This is explained by the fact that composite materials differ from traditional structural materials and together open up wide opportunities both for improving existing structures of various directions, and for developing new structures and technological processes.

Speaker of the Winter School" Smart Textile & Design " Stepanov S. G. doctor of historical sciences, professor, Ivanovo State Polytechnic University, Ivanovo-Russia

Professor of the Russian State University named after A. N. Kosygin, Ph. D. speaker Bitus Evgeny Ivanovich gave a lecture on the technology of non-woven textile production using mixed methods on a promising and popular topic for the development of non-woven materials. In their production, a combination of mechanical methods and physico-chemical methods is used. A striking example is the production of canvas perforated with an impregnated or thermally reinforced needle. Thus, the combination of two or more methods allows you to achieve greater tensile strength and resistance to mechanical and other damage.

Speaker of the Winter School" Smart Textile & Design " Bitus E. I. doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Russian State University named after A. N. Kosygin, Moscow – Russia.

In addition, the speakers considered interesting developments in the field of textiles, leather haberdashery, smart textiles, shoe materials, medtextile and engineering from Aegean University (Izmir/Turkey), Professor, Behzat Oral Bitlisli, PhD, professor Elif Eser eke Bayramoglu, PhD Dr Hüsnü Erhan Kırtay, professor of Akdeniz University (Antalya– Turkey), PhD Ramazan Erdem. The main innovative directions of technology for the development and production of fabrics united by the common name"Neo-textiles" are considered. The lectures provided an overview of the main types of such materials. This group includes almost all types of textiles, including materials with active functions. Today, there are three groups of similar materials. These are: electronic textiles, textiles with active properties and eco-techno textiles.

Speaker of the Winter School" Smart Textile & Design " PhD, professor of Aegean University Behzat Oral Bitlisli

Summing up the work of the winter school, we can say that the successful development of the textile and light industry of the country depends on the level of qualification of specialists, and ensuring this level is the task of the entire teaching community, whose skills and qualifications are the key to the implementation of this important task. Therefore, cooperation on the issues of innovative development of industrial sectors and constant exchange of knowledge, opinions and implementation at all levels of the educational process using advanced and modern innovative teaching methods becomes an urgent need.
The Winter School "Smart Textile & Design", organized in an online format at the Higher School of textile and food engineering of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, provided a common platform for teachers and scientists interested in the dynamic development of the textile industry, and we believe that this discussion, communication and exchange of knowledge was useful for all its participants.


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