Conflagrant young people faculty Light and food industry fair that was dedicated 70 to the anniversary
A.A. Eszhanov, student rector Myrzataev Sultan , student vice-rector on educational work PayizOmirhan , student dean MutalovNurzhigit and activists of our university.
Listen to this: Fair opened dean of"Light and food industry" S.B. Bayzhanova. She emphasized that our students , namely the activists not only learn , but also participate in various events. Food which prepared students activists were sold at a low price at the fair. At the event were played various interesting games . The students of different faculties activists played in games such as the eating of lemon and tasting drinks. Students of the facultyof "Light and food industries ", namely the Department "Food industry" has made a surprise in the form of a 10 kg cake celebrate the 70th anniversary of our university. The event has satisfied the student rector MyrzataevSultan , and it was said that the event was held at the highest level. Dean of studentsNurzhigitMutalov said that such fairs are held regularly.
Listen to this: Fair opened dean of"Light and food industry" S.B. Bayzhanova. She emphasized that our students , namely the activists not only learn , but also participate in various events. Food which prepared students activists were sold at a low price at the fair. At the event were played various interesting games . The students of different faculties activists played in games such as the eating of lemon and tasting drinks. Students of the facultyof "Light and food industries ", namely the Department "Food industry" has made a surprise in the form of a 10 kg cake celebrate the 70th anniversary of our university. The event has satisfied the student rector MyrzataevSultan , and it was said that the event was held at the highest level. Dean of studentsNurzhigitMutalov said that such fairs are held regularly.
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