Videoconference on the theme "Perspective and resource saving technologies in the textile, light industry and food industry"

and resource saving technologies in the textile, light industry and food industry."In a video conference were attended departments of Technology Faculty in M.H. Dulati Taraz State University: "Technology of textile industry and materials science", "Standardization, restaurant business and hotel business," "Technology of  construction of light industry and design", "Technology of food products, processing industries and biotechnology"  , and departments of Textile and Food Engineering Higher School in M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University: "Technology and design of textile materials", "Technology and designing products of light industry", "Technology of food production".

Themes of reports on video conference of HST&FE:

1)      Istoriya razvitiya mirovogo tekstilya. – Sobirov V.KH., d.t.s, professor of the department  « Technology and design of textile materials»

2)      Resursosberegayushchiye tekhnologi proizvodstva tekstil'nykh materialov iz khlopkovoy smesi s dobavleniyem tekstil'nykh otkhodov. – Dzhanpaizova V.M., c.t.s., Associate Professor of the department « Technology and design of textile materials»

3)      Osobennosti perspektivnykh sposobov pryadeniya. – Serikbayev B.Ye. c.t.s., Associate Professor of the department « Technology and design of textile materials»

4)      Aktual'nyye problemy dizayna tkani v tekstil'nom proizvodstve. – Torebayev B.P. senior lecturer of the department «Technology and designing products of light industry»

5)      Programmnoye obespecheniye proyektirovaniya dlya avtomatizatsii konstruktorsko-tekhnologicheskoy podgotovki proizvodstva. – Rakhmankulova ZH.T. master, senior lecturer of the department « Technology and designing products of light industry»

6)      Perspektivnyye napravleniya promyshlenno-shveynogo proizvodstva. – Kim I.S. senior lecturer of the department « Technology and designing products of light industry»


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