
"technology and safety of Food products" in the grant of the Department research work is based on the following topics:

Politico smoke for Smoking of meat products-development of technology of production of the drug liquid. Supervisor: Shingisov A. U.
The development of production technology of domestic products to extend the shelf life of milk fermented plant material antioxidantany. Moderator: And Shingisov.U.


Abdygapparova B Teachers.T and kt.A. Involved in the implementation of the International TEMPUS project QUEECA for research.

"Technology and design of textile materials" research performed at the Department of 2 funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of applied:

The ring structure subject to the fulfillment of its structural development of the technology to improve the quality of the thread by increasing. Moderator: Togati T. U.
The creation of biologically active additives based on water-soluble vitamins and iron quickly. Director: Sabirov, V. H.


"Technology and designing of products of light industry" performed at the Department of applied research of the MES 2 argyllandbute.

1. Scientific substantiation and development of technology of textile materials through high speed radiation with a frequency of Aktau.

2. The selection and scientific substantiation of the technology by improving the quality of cotton fiber yarn in an electric field. Moderator: Myrkhalykov Zh. U.


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