The educational program 7M07230-"Technology and design of light industry products" received for the first time the quality mark "Euromaster" together with the ASIIN certificate
Research work on applied and risk research funded by Ministries and Development Institutions
At the Department of Technology and Safety of Food Products in 2022, in the competition for grant funding for young scientists on scientific and scientific and technical projects for 2022-2024, announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the IRN project "Development of a technology for the production of innovative functional biooxide dairy products with probiotics and antioxidants” in the amount of 44,941,536.60 thousand tenge. Project leader: PhD, senior lecturer Utebayeva A.A.
PhD, senior lecturer Utebaeva A. A.
At the Department of Technology and Safety of Food Products, research is being carried out in the direction of the PCF project of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2021-2023. in the amount of 41005947.00 tenge on the topic: Development of technology for processing promising varieties of fruit, berry crops and grapes of domestic selection in order to obtain biologically active substances and fruit and berry powders for use in the food industry. Scientific adviser: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Shingisov A.U.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Shingisov A.U.
At the Department of Food Engineering in 2022, a project was won under the PCF program "Comprehensive non-waste processing of agricultural raw materials of animal and vegetable origin", 2022-2024, the total amount is 250,000,000.00 tenge, Project Manager Alibekov R.S., performers : Urazbayeva K.A., Kasymova M.K., Orymbetova G.E.
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Alibekov R.S.
In November 2022 Art. Lecturer of the department "Technology and design of textile materials" Turakulov B. received a grant in the competition of young scientists on the topic of the project "Research on the possibility of obtaining chromite pigments from man-made waste for the textile industry" Funding amount: 18,464,670 tenge
Advisors |
Department |
Educational Programs |
Department of Technology and Design of Textile Materials Turganbayeva Akzharkyn Amanbaevna Master's degree, Senior Lecturer Address: 160012, Turkestan region, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Avenue 5, building D, office 407 D. Call : +7 701 159 65 90 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
6B07260 – Technology and design of textile materials |
6B07261- Innovative textiles, design and decor |
Department of "Technology and design of light industry products" Shanakhova Raushan Meiramkhankyzy Master's degree, teacher Address: 160012, Turkestan region, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Avenue 5, building D, office.103’ D Please call: +7 702 748 74 14 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
6B072300- Technology and design of light industry products
6B07231- Fashion industry, the movement of light industry products
Department of Food Technology and Safety Kamalova Nurgul Ustemirovna Master's degree, Senior Lecturer Address: 160012, Turkestan region, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Avenue 5, building D, to.407 D Call: +7 777 136 36 32 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
6B07241 – Technology of vegetable oils and fats
6B07242- Technology of milk and dairy products
6B07244- Food technologies and catering at small and medium-sized businesses
6B07245- Technology of meat and meat products
Department of Food Engineering Kaipova Zhanar Nurmakhanbaevna Master's degree, Senior Lecturer Address: 160012, Turkestan region, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Avenue 5, building D, to.210 D Call: +7 775 398 15 52 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
6B07250 - Technology of processing production
6B07252- Technology of Sugar Substances and Sugar Confectionery products
6B07253- Food Safety and Engineering
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