Imanbayev Alimzhan

Head of the Department of "Food Engineering"

PhD, Associate Professor

contact information: ABC building office 124

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Imanbayev Alimzhan graduated from Almaty Technological University in 2001 with a degree in 4201 – "Technology of grain flour, cereals and compound feeds". From 2001-2002, he worked as a trainee teacher at Almaty Technological University. In 2002, he entered full-time postgraduate studies in the specialty 05.18.12 - Processes and devices of food production. In 2008, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Improving the process of processing melons for long-term storage by cutting".
From 2005 to 2010 he worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of "Machines and apparatuses of food production" of Almaty Technological University.
From 2010 to 2021, he worked at the Kazakh National Agrarian University as an associate professor of the Department of Food Technology and Food Safety. Since September 2015, at the Department of "Technology and Safety of food products" of the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, he has been an associate professor, conducts lectures and practical classes in the disciplines of "Equipment of food products", "Rheology of food products", "Design of dairy enterprises", "Processes and devices of food production", and is also engaged in scientific activities on initiative topic "Designing elevators". He has more than 20 published works and two patents, and was also the curator of courses in the specialty 5B072700 "Food technology" and performed the duties of the faculty's trade union committee.
Currently, he is the head of the Department of "Food Engineering" at the South Kazakhstan University.

►Teachers' staff

Our graduates


General Information

Department “Food Engineering”

In 1995, four specialized departments of the Food Faculty of the South Kazakhstan Technical University (SKTU) trained specialists in the following specialties: “Technology of sugary and confectionery substances”, “Technology of fats”, “Technology of canning and food concentrates”, “Technology of wine-making and fermentation” .

In 2003, in connection with the opening of the agro-industrial faculty, these specialties were united together and the department received the name "Technology of food production and refrigeration."

In 2008, the department became part of the Faculty of Light and Food Industry. In 2010, the department was renamed the "Technology of food production." Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Beysenbayev A.Yu, headed the department. (2003-2008), then by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bachov Zh.K. (2008 - 2009), since March 2009, the department has headed by Candidate of Chemical Science, associate professor Urazbayeva Klara Abdyrazakhovna.

In 2015, the department was divided into departments: “Food Engineering” (head of the department Urazbayeva K.A.), Technology, and safety of food products (head of the department Shingissov A.U.).

At the Department of Food Engineering, training is conducted in Kazakh, Russian and English for bachelors in the specialty 5B072800-Technology of processing productions (by branches) and for master students in the specialty 6M072800- Technology of processing productions (by branches). There are 20 teachers in the department, including 11 Candidates of Science, 2 Doctors of PhD,  and 12 Masters of Science. State grant of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Best University teacher" are: candidate of chemical Sciences, associate Professor Urazbayeva K.A.(2014), PhD Serikuly Zh. (2016), candidate of technical Sciences Abdizhapparova B. (2018), candidate of technical Sciences Orymbetova G. E. (2018)

The staff of the department "Food Engineering"

Over the past years, the specialties of undergraduate and graduate courses have steadily occupied the 1nd, 2nd place in the ratings of IKAQAE (Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education) and the IARA (Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency).

Since 2015, the department has implemented a master's degree program within the framework of the implementation of the State Program of Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (GPIIR-2). There were developed educational programs implemented with the participation of foreign partner universities: University of Gent (Belgium), Latvian University of Agriculture (Latvia), University of Padua (Italy), Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria), National Research University of Information Technologies and Optics (Russia). The business partners are the next enterprises: LLP Foodmaster-Shymkent Company, LLP Amangeldy, JSC Altyn Dan, LLP Rakhat-Shymkent and others. Representatives of these industries conduct classes and are co-managers of master's work.

The EP “Safe technologies of the processing of agricultural products” has passed international expertise in the European thematic chemical network (Brussels, 2017). The Euromaster® quality label and Chemical Technology Euromaster® label has been gained. Within the framework of the GPIIR-2, the department have trained and employed 186 undergraduates.

Within the framework of GPIIR-2, there were created training and production workshops and training and research laboratories for the processing of milk, meat products and fruit and berry products on modern equipment.

In 2018, the laboratories passed accreditation by the National Accreditation Center of the Technical Regulation Committee of the Ministry of Construction and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and received the accreditation certificate No KZ.T.16.2057 of April 19, 2018 for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009.

Laboratories of the Department “Food Engineering”

Educational program

The main activity of the department is aimed at training bachelors and masters for the food and processing industries of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan and highly qualified specialists in educational programs:

Bachelor course:

6B07250 - "Technology of processing industries"
6B07252 – "Technology of sugary substances and sugar confectionery products"
6B07253 – "Food safety and engineering"

7B07250 - "Technology of processing industries"
6B07253 – "Safe technologies for processing agricultural products"
6B07253 – "Technology of animal products"

 Employment and practice

At the Department of Food Engineering, the educational practice of 2nd-year students is conducted in the research laboratories of the Auezov State University, the department and with visits to enterprises of the city of Shymkent, Turkestan region and other areas.
The passage of industrial and pre-graduate practices of 3.4-year students is organized at the leading enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Ak-nan LLP, Madeleine LLP, Shymkent Brewery LLP, Ladushki LLP, Rakhat JSC, Shin-Line LLP, Halmurzaev IP, Aktoty & K LLP, Eurasian Foods Corporation JSC, Arai LLP, LLP "DANI NAS", Shymkent, "KazNII PiPP", Merken Cheese Factory LLP, Zhambyl region, Barys - 2007 LLP.
Negotiations are held with enterprises to conduct practical training, internship programs are provided, practice managers are appointed from the department and the enterprise, and at the end a tripartite agreement is signed with the participation of students. During the internship by students, the heads of practices from the department keep records of attendance and monitor the quality of students' internships with visits to Shymkent enterprises and other areas, maintaining direct communication with the heads of practices from enterprises.
Upon completion of the internship, students draw up reports, sign diaries, receive feedback on the internship and, based on the results of the internship and writing reports, receive ratings from the practice managers at enterprises.



Scientific work

One of the most important areas of scientific activity of the department "Mechanization and automation of production processes" is the conduct of research within the framework of fundamental and applied research and international cooperation, funded from the state budget, and business contracts, funded by customer enterprises.
The Department of "Food Engineering" carried out research on state-funded research: GB Research-21-08-07 "Development of innovative technologies for the production of functional food products" Supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor Orymbetova G.E.
Republican project "Ontustik Kazakhstan oblysy topyrak-klimattyk zhagdailarynda ashyk alkapta 3 ret onim aludyn agrotechnikalyk is-sharalaryn iske asyru zholymen kokonis ondirudi karkyndy damytu zhane osy maksatta auyl sharuashylygy mashinalary men aggregattary keshenin dayarlau" according to contract No. 293 (order of the vice-rector for HP and I No.156–lcd dated 27.01.2020) - head: Kalymbetov B.K., performer Orymbetova G.E.

Laboratory base



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