In 27.02.17y. at 1250 in the audience 226B with group IP-16-7r, 6r be held open lecture on open lesson of, of department
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In 27.02.17y. at 1250 in the audience 226B with group IP-16-7r, 6r be held open lecture on open lesson of, of department
The associate professor of «Technology and designing of textile materials», k.t.s. Sagitova Guzaliya Faritovna awarded the
The head lecturer of"Food ingineering", PhD doctor Serikuly Zhandos awarded the nomination "The best teacher of HEI in 2016year».
19.12.2016 - 12.23.2016, Invited Professor of the “Ghent University” (Ghent, Belgium) Carl Lachat provided a seminar-training on the "Food
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