Higher mathematics for technical specialties


Head of the chair

 Ashirbayev Kasymhan Atyrhanovich,

 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Address: 160012, South Kazakhstan region, Shymkent, Tauke Khan avenue, 5

Telephones8(7252) 30-02-49

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

►Teachers' staff


General information, history of the chair

The chair “HIGHER MATHEMATICS” was founded as a part of the Institute of Chemical Technology in 1958.

The first head of the chair was Kuznetsov M.S.

In 2005, the chair moved to the "Faculty Mechanical and Petroleum Engineering" separated from The Natural-Pedagogical faculty.

In September of 2015 the chair became the part of Textile and Food engineering higher school.

Since 2009 the chair is headed by candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor Ashirbayev H.A.

Lecturers of the chair teach 6 disciplines for students of all technical specialties. The chair of 5 associate professors, 5 senior lecturers and 2 masters, 50% of teachers have a degree: 7 candidates of sciences.

Our achievements

Associate professor Ashirbayev H.A. has a state certificate of registration of intellectual property "The computer models demonstrate the effect of Thomson and Peltier" (with Umurzakova J.B, Kabylbekov K.A.).

Associate professor Zhunisbekova D.A. awarded with a special diploma "Foliant" (Astana) for the contribution to the state program of technical and vocational education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Was opened auditorium named after the outstanding scientist, mathematician, a native of the Kazakh people of the 20th century, academician Mukhtarbay Otelbaev. Here are collected the works of the scientist, his achievements and discoveries in the field of mathematics.

In 2013 he was awarded with medal "The best teacher" for the contribution to education and training, by the decision of the public association «Qurmet-AB» South Kazakhstan region №01-0003 from August 1, 2013. For significant achievements in the education and upbringing of the younger generation is called the owner of the mark "Y.Altynsarin" according to the certificate №655 from December 10, 2014 the Ministry of Education and Science

Lecturers of the chair have implemented several themes of scientific research in the educational process and production. Scientific works of teachers are available not only in Kazakhstan but also in scientific journals of national and international conferences in countries such as Russia, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan. The teaching staff, along with research work produces scientific and methodical literature.

Department of "Higher Mathematics" in the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov holds an annual student competition on mathematics among first-year students and the winners are awarded with diplomas at the university student conference in the section "Higher mathematics". 

Scientific directions

Themes of scientific research of the chair "Higher Mathematics" on the state budget:

1. «Limit theorems for sums of random variables»

International connections

Members of the department actively participate in international conferences.

Teaching staff in close contact with scientists from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, England, Poland, Bulgaria and other countries.


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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41



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