Prof. Giovanna Lomolino, from the DAFNAE Department of the University of Padua

the South-Kazakhstan State University, Food Engineering Department, in accordance with the ERASMUS program. The main topic of her lectures was: "Food technology of Italian and worldwide products and theoretical aspects of sensory analysis". She has presented: the descriptive and discriminating methods in sensory quality analysis of foods; the compositional difference of milk from different species such as that obtained from camel and maremilkfor the typical Kazakh products; dairy production, depending on the type of coagulant and the international tradition, chocolate production technology, wine production technology: from grape pressing to aging of wine et al.

During ICITE-2017 (October 26-27, 2017),Prof. Giovanna Lomolino has presented the research, theme: “Formation and stability of foams obtained from Solanum tuberosum protein extract: protein, gas, polysaccharide interaction”бrelated to the use of alternative protein sources than those animals, for the production of "foam food" -Solanum tuberosum proteinsthatis a waste in the starch extract industry, and can be recovered and used as a food ingredient in many food technology preparations.

As well as Prof. Giovanna Lomolino has discussed with the professors - teachersstaffthe possibility of future teaching and scientific collaborations between the “DAFNAE” Department of the University of Padua and “Food Engineering”Departmentof the M.Auezov’ South-Kazakhstan State University.



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